RTS Media Information


General Rebuilding Together Sacramento Information – click here.

We offer newsworthy stories that focus on safe and healthy housing, older adults and those with disabilities, home safety, and efficiency. We’d love to host you at our office/warehouse or a job site or visit your studio.

For information: Call Liz Godfrey at 916-455-1880 x 9 or email: lgodfrey@rebuildingtogethersacramento.org

Topic ideas:

  • Home injuries – One in three persons 65 and older falls every year and 50% of those falls occur in the home.
  • Energy efficiency – Low-income households spend an average 14% of their income on energy, versus 3.5% in most other households.
  • Inspiring Volunteers – A crew of volunteer who seniors and those with disabilities live safe at home.
  • Home improvement events – Volunteers transform homes and community facilities during inspiring events.
  • Sacramento’s Aging Housing Stock – Sacramento, once a leader in producing affordable housing, is now experiencing the burden of an aging housing stock and the rising cost of living. 57% of the housing stock is over 30 years old and over 76,000 homes are considered substandard. The median priced home is only affordable to 8% of the Sacramento population.
  • Seasonal – Temperatures can increase the risk of illness and drafty homes are costly to heat and cool.